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Introduction of TADTP


Taiwan Association of Drug Treatment Policy (TADTP) was established to advance progress in drug judicial treatment in Taiwan, as well as to promote legislative improvement in the field of treatment courts and other practical work, and assist in collaboration among drug policy related experts.


TADTP was jointly initiated by scholars and legal experts including former Grand Justice Tseng Yu-Tian, Prof. Yang Yun-Hua at College of Law, National Chengchi University and Prosecutor Lin Ta from Taipei District Prosecutors Office. In order to promote policy research and practical work, TADTP has invited experts in areas such as drug judicial treatment and addiction therapy, from both domestic and international backgrounds to serve as advisors.


To effectively advance drug judicial treatment in Taiwan, TADTP signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) on June 14, 2019. TADTP is the only organization in Taiwan that collaborates with the NADCP, allowing experts from both sides to collaborate and exchange practical experience. The joint effort aims to foster international relations and elevate the development of drug judicial treatment in Taiwan.

NADCP is the largest professional organization for the treatment court model (for  drug judicial treatment) in the United States and is composed of experts from various fields of drug treatment, including judges, prosecutors, physicians, psychologists, case managers, and social workers. NADCP organizes an annual national conference, with up to 20,000 practitioners participating, providing a platform for discussions and initiatives (collaborations) related to drug judicial treatment and addiction therapy.


With its abundant professional resources, the NADCP plays a vital role in advancing drug policy research. During the founding conference of TADTP in 2019, also witnessed by the Minister of Justice Cai Qing-Xiang, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by the Honorary Chairman of the TADTP, Prof. Yang Yun-Hua, and the Chief Executive Director of the NADCP, Mr. Carson Fox.

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